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Ascorbic Acid 2-phosphat (Asc2P) is a rare form of vitamin C that is very effective in slowing down the shortening of telomeres in vitro.

A study has shown that the repetitive addition of Asc2P to human endothelial cells in vitro slows down the shortening of telomeres by 52-62%. The authors have put forward the hypothesis that the slowing down of the shortening comes from the capacity of Asc2P to fight against free radicals and to prevent the shortening the telomeres which is a result of damages caused by free radicals and not by the cell division process.

The Asc2P is in fact a very special form of vitamin C – it is around 20 times stronger than the classic form of vitamin C (L-Ascorbic acid) and has specific properties such as the capacity to easily penetrate into the interior of cells and to protect it against intracellular oxidation.

The research center of the Hiroshima University, led by the scientist K Furumoto from the department of cellular biology, has clearly shown that Asc2P notably reduces the decline of telomerase levels linked to age. Telomerase is the enzyme that prevents the shortening of the chromosomes (telomeres). Nowadays, this shortening is considered to be the major cause of ageing.

In vitro studies have shown that the addition of Asc2P to human endothelial vascular cells prevents – via suppression of intracellular oxidative stress – the shortening of telomeres by up to 62%. Whereas the L-ascorbin acid, the natural form of vitamin C, does not have such an effect, since it does have less capacity to penetrate into cells. Furthermore, the Asc2P form of the vitamin C prevents the cell from increasing in size, an important indicator of cellular senescence.

Due to its characteristics and its non-toxicity, the "super-vitamin C" is a strongly recommended supplement thanks to its action as a vitamin. It also has anti-ageing effects.

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